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Katsepy–Belemboka Forests **

The town of Katsepy is located right across the Betsiboka River from Mahajanga (= Majunga) in northwestern Madagascar. The nearby forests of Antrema, north of Katsepy and below the lighthouse, offer excellent opportunities for seeing the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz) and the crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus). This area is readily accessible by ferry (twice daily) or by speedboat from Mahajanga. The comfortable Chez Chabaud Hotel is the only local accommodation. The proprietor can arrange transportation to and from the forests that harbor these animals, and they can sometimes be seen right near the hotel in forest patches along the river. A visit to Katsepy requires an overnight stay, which can be arranged from Mahajanga. It is the only easily accessible place to see the crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus). Nearby, Fanamby is currently working to achieve protected area status for the Belemboka-Bombetoka Forests, another site for Propithecus coronatus and Eulemur mongoz. The area can be reached via Boanamary, 27 km to the west of RN4, and has basic, community-managed tourism facilities in Mataitromby. A visit to the Belemboka Forests and the Bombetoky mangroves (using a patrol boat) can be arranged by Fanamby. The Belemboka Forest is much more accessible than the Anjamena forests for several reasons. First is the availability of a boat to cross the Betsiboka River, second the presence of local guides, and third the ease with which one can see the sifakas. Reaching the forest requires a 30-minute walk, as opposed to a 1–3-hour drive from Katsepy to Anjamena. Fanamby is currently developing community-based ecotourism in the area.
