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Lemur catta Linnaeus, 1758

Scientific name: 
Scientist name: 
Linnaeus, 1758
Maky, Hira
Ring-tailed Lemur
Other english: 
Maki, Maki Mococo, Maque



Lemur catta is a relatively large, diurnal lemur, easily recognized by its black-and- white ringed tail. It is by far the most terrestrial of the lemurs. It has a head-body length of 39–46 cm, a tail length of 56–63 cm, a total length of 95–110 cm, and a mean weight of 2.2 kg (Sussman, 1991). The dorsal coat is gray to rosy-brown along the back, gray along the flanks, limbs and haunches, and darker gray on the crown and neck. The ventral coat is white to cream. The throat, cheeks, ears, and forehead are white. The muzzle is grayish and the nose is black. The eyes are circled by black, triangular rings. The tail is ringed with black-and-white transverse bands along its entire length, the tip being black. Both sexes possess small dark (antebrachial) glands on the palmar surface of the wrists (the trait that associates Lemur with Hapalemur more closely than with Eulemur), these being overlain by a spur in the males, and males also have larger (brachial) cutaneous glands on the medial aspects of the upper arms near the shoulders. This species is the best known of Madagascar’s lemurs and cannot be confused with any other.