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Lepilemur hubbardorum Louis et al., 2006

Scientific name: 
Scientist name: 
Louis et al., 2006
Apongy, Fitsidika
Zombitse Sportive Lemur
Hubbard’s Wieselmaki
Other english: 
Hubbard’s Sportive Lemur
Lépilémur de Zombitse, Lépilémur de Hubbard



Lepilemur hubbardorum is a medium-sized sportive lemur with a head-body length of 23–24 cm, a tail length of 24 cm, a total length of 47–48 cm, and a weight of 990 g (Louis et al., 2006b). The dorsal pelage is dark reddish-brown around the shoulders and upper back, gradually becoming a lighter reddish-white to gray towards the base of the tail and hips. The underside is entirely white, and the tail is uniformly blonde or reddish-blonde. The face is grayish-brown around the muzzle and eyes, with a reddish-brown dorsal surface crown, and the fur around the neck is lighter, forming a reddish-blonde collar. Two phenotypes have been observed, possibly the male and the female but this has yet to be confirmed (Louis et al., 2006b).