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Lepilemur scottorum Lei et al., 2008

Scientific name: 
Scientist name: 
Lei et al., 2008
Hataka, Trangalava, Kotrika, Fitiliky, Kotriana
Masoala Sportive Lemur
Scott’s Wieselmaki
Other english: 
Scott’s Sportive Lemur
Lépilémur de Masoala, Lépilémur de Scott



Lepilemur scottorum is a medium-sized sportive lemur with a head-body length of 25–28 cm, a tail length of 25–29 cm, a total length of 57–64 cm, and a body weight of around 880 g (Lei et al., 2008). The fur is long and thick, being uniformly reddish-brown above and below with the exception of a diffuse black stripe that extends midline along the dorsum, and ends in the middle of the body. The tail is reddish-brown at the base, turning progressively brownish-gray towards the tip, which is black. The face is whitish-gray, and the cheeks and eyebrows are white. The hands and feet are reddish-brown (Lei et al., 2008).